How do you balance diversity with your non-diverse workforce?

Posting date: 31 Oct 2018

“If you are looking to promote diversity, don’t lose track of the people who aren’t diverse.”

We all need diversity in the workplace but as we explore in our white paper, it’s not always an easy task, especially when you have to juggle tough targets to diversify your talent pool with a non-diverse workforce.

As we investigate the simple and effective ways in which reverse-mentoring can improve diversity at every level, we interview a thought-leader who is exert in the issues surrounding board and senior team cohesiveness. He speaks of the importance of forward-thinking and not losing sight of your non-diverse workforce who got you to where you are today.

For access to the whole interview in our reverse-mentoring white paper, please follow the link below and join the conversation – How do you keep track of the people who aren’t diverse?